Mighty Networks & Mighty Pro

The #1 ranked community platform on G2. Mighty Networks is the only place you can own your community and upgrade to your own branded apps.

I worked as a Content Writer and Editorial Manager for Mighty Networks and Mighty Pro where I produced high-performing content across resource center blogs, video testimonials, website copy, newsletters, and more.

Content Writing

At Mighty, I researched, wrote, and published over 100 high-performing, SEO-optimized, articles for their resource center. These pieces of content ranged from deep-dives into specific topics, in-depth comparisons, explainers, and community spotlights.

Customer Case Studies

At Mighty, I created a wide variety of case studies that highlighted some of companies most successful clients. Below are a few case studies I wrote through client interviews, highlighting their multi-million dollar subscriptions businesses.

Tell Me More

Tell Me More is a marketing agency that believes the best way to empower brands is through outstanding narrative storytelling.

I worked as a Content Writer for Tell Me More producing high-quality educational content for universities such as Escoffier School of Culinary Arts

Content Writing

At Tell Me More, I worked with the marketing team and Escoffier School of Culinary Arts to writer informative and entertaining articles for their resource center.

Origin Story Podcast

Origin Story is a conversational podcast that interviews creators about their lives, their work, and what's fueling their creations. Hosted by Phillip Russell and Ben Thorp.

I work as the producer, host, and sole social media marketer for the Origin Story podcast. I've created a robust website, social media presence and post to help expanding the Origin Story brand and reach.

Thirsty Suitors

Thirsty Suitors is a BAFTA-nominated surreal story-driven video game which throws turn-based RPG battles, skateboarding, and over-the-top cooking mechanics together in a spicy fusion.

I worked as the main Editor and supplemental Narrative Designer on the project. In addition to my editing and writing duties, I led a content marketing effort leading up to the launch of the title that interviewed key members of the team and highlight important aspects of the game from music, design, inspiration, and more.

Developer Diary Series